Benefits of Supervision

Individual Supervisees have offered many thoughts on this:

  • A safe place to think out loud, reflect on and discuss issues, connect with feelings and understand how they are engaging with their coachees
  • Provides a confidential space to think, reflect and plan
  • Enhances learning and the quality of my coaching
  • An opportunity to be challenged in a supportive environment
  • Work on fresh ideas and solutions
  • Build coaching knowledge and skills and grow coaching capacity
  • Dealing with anxiety in coaching
  • Builds confidence in coaching ‘tricky’ clients
  • Supervision provides safety for coaches and safety for clients. It helps the coach be aware of personal limits and capabilities


From an organisational perspective including from internal coaches, benefits include:

  • Providing quality assurance for all parties
  • An ethical sounding board for internal coaches when they have to navigate challenging ethical issues where roles cross over
  • Giving focus to the measurement of coaching outcomes
  • Giving an opportunity to get feedback and ideas on coach’s work
  • Helping coaches understand the wider context they work in and informs their processes in 1:1 coaching sessions
  • Identifying themes and patterns to feed back into the organisation
  • Providing feedback on the effectiveness of the organisation’s coaching policy and process
  • Maintaining professionalism and flexibility across the organisation’s coaches
  • Minimising the organisational risk of unethical or unprofessional practice.
  • Helping to ensure that coaching is focused on work objectives and within the boundaries of the coach’s capability
  • Providing an organisational safety net to help coaches maintain boundaries and minimising organisational risk


“The purpose of supervision is to ensure that the best interests of the coachee and the client are protected and to provide educative and restorative support to the coach.”
Downey, M. (2003). Effective Coaching: Lessons from the Coach’s Coach.
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